Start a
6 week challenge

We're looking for 10 people to join our next challenge designed to help you lose weight and drop body fat. And the best bit is... you get rewarded based on how well you do!

Enter your details to find out more and reserve your spot

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150+ Customer Reviews on Amazon & Facebook

What you get on the challenge


3 fitness sessions every week delivered by Personal Trainers


A nutrition programme curated by registered nutritionists


A 1:1 accountability coach to support you and keep you on track


Every step and resource you will ever need contained within a private members portal


The fat loss lessons learnt will empower longterm success


Your body composition will be monitored and tracked throughout

our community

Yes, the Fit Challenge will help you lose weight, drop body fat and increase your fitness and that in itself can be life changing. However, we can not express the power of being surrounded by the happy, inspiring and welcoming communities that will support you through The Fit Challenge.

Join 1000's of people that have already transformed their bodies in 6 weeks

the FIT challenge

Start a 6 WEEK Fit challenge

We're looking for 10 people to join our next challenge designed to help you lose weight and drop body fat. And the best bit... You can make it free!

Enter your details to find out more and reserve your spot

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body fat
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"Just finished my 6 week day challenge. Loved every visit. All the trainers and staff do a fantastic job.  I lost 10.1kg and 5.7% body fat which I’m mega pleased with. The results can be addictive."

Dan Bower

"Can’t recommend the 6 week challenge enough enough - great staff that work with you for your goals! Really enjoyed the 6 week challenge - it was! (a challenge) but that’s exactly what I wanted and achieved the results I wanted - what more can you want! Couldn’t be happier."

Hilary Centeleghe

"I signed up to do the 6 week challenge in the new year, and I am so glad I did. I was nervous about starting but this is SUCH a friendly environment, and the staff & other members are all so welcoming. I now feel like a new man. Thank you! If you are on the fence about starting, then don’t be - go for it!!"

Andrew Buckley


We understand that before committing you will want to know what it's like...

Here's what others have to say about The Fit Challenge.

150+ Customer Reviews on amazon & facebook